How to Make a Drone? A Basic Guide

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There are plenty of do-it-yourself drone projects on the Internet in this day and age.

Some have been made in competition with models made by companies, some in competition against other like-minded technical contestants, and some to see if their drone ideas can match or exceed companies in some way, usually in airtime.

There are a few decisions you have to make to build a drone:

Building the Frame

Are you interested in building your drone? If so, you must first decide on the type of frame you want to use.

Some drones have three arms (tri-copters), four arms (quadcopters), six arms (hex copters), and eight arms (octocopters). All of these drones have their arms attached to a single motor.

The Material

The second decision is the material you want to use for your drone. Wood is cheap and easy to replace when a part is damaged.

The downside to using wood is that the grain has to be free from twists and warps. Carbon fiber is a common option for DIY hobbyists because it is lightweight and tough.

The downside to using this material is that it will obstruct the RF signals you will be using, so you need to be aware of how to avoid blocking the signals you will need.

Another issue is the affordability of carbon fiber. It is not the most inexpensive material on the market.

A printed Circuit Board (PCB) is a material that can be considered and shares the same type of structure as fiberglass.

Plastic is a good material for a drone. It is often used for the landing gear and covers.

G10 is fiberglass sold as a pre-cured sheet. It is less expensive than carbon fiber, making it a more desirable material.

Aluminum is easy to work with, inexpensive, and easy to find. It is not as light as carbon fiber, but the other attributes may override the weight aspect.

The Size

The decision of size is important. You can build a nano drone that fits in the palm of your hand or a mega drone that needs to be transported on the back of a truck.

A good size for a drone to begin such a project is about the size of a sheet of paper or slightly smaller.

Finding the Right Motor

The motor is the main part of the drone. When attached to the propellers, it should give the UAV a constant thrust for a stable lift from the ground.

A motor that does not give a continuous thrust will not be stable. An RC motor is made of a magnet (in the bell) and wire coils that brush (or move) against each other, creating a magnetic field and producing electricity.

These motors have a short life span because they wear out quickly. The brushless motor, which is set up in reverse, has a longer lifespan and longer airtime.

The best way to explain the Inrunner motor is to remember that the revolutions occur inside the chamber.

The Outrunner is then the motor, and the revolutions occur outside the core. A motor’s KV Rating tells you how fast it can spin at a certain voltage.

A low KV is good for stable flight, but if you plan on acrobatics from your UAV, you will need a high-rated KV motor.

The Propellers

Propellers are different from helicopter blades; blades should not be used for UAVs simply because their slim structure and design will not support them.

Propellers on a drone are directly attached to the motor and will spin when the motor is engaged. Smaller propellers on drones are easier to control in speed and are used for acrobatics.

Larger propeller drones are harder to control but have a more stable flight, making them more suitable for videos.

Propellers can be made of similar materials to the body, but a few materials are used most often.

Plastic is the most popular choice because of its cost and sturdiness. Wood propellers are also sturdy but can cost due to the complex machining required.

Carbon fiber is a high-quality material used by UAV enthusiasts. It is tough to break, but it costs a lot to purchase.

Attaching your propellers to your motors may seem simple, but you should be aware of and consider it beforehand.

No one likes to have to wait to finish a project. Sometimes, but not always, propellers come with specialized adapter rings.

It is in your best interest to order these adapter rings for extra security, and you will have some if your propellers do not come equipped with any.

If the bore of your propeller is too large, you will need these adapters. You can also use a prop saver. This o-ring holds your propeller to the shaft of your motor. It has its drawbacks.

The o-ring can break, causing vibrations that could affect the UAV’s performance, or the propeller may not sit as low on the motor’s shaft. Another idea you may want to consider is the prop guard.

This will help prevent damage to your propellers in crashes by minimizing damage to the propellers.

The drawbacks of a prop guard are that they will add weight to the AUV, they will not work for a major collision, and they will most likely add vibration to the AUV that could affect its performance.

The Electronic Speed Controller

The electronic speed control (ESC) controls the drone’s flight, which means it controls the direction and speed of the motor.

It should also be able to control the highest current that the motors will utilize.

The Battery

The best battery to use for a UAV is Lithium Polymer (Li-Po). They are pricey, but the battery has the power to execute proper drone lift-off. The reasons they are the best


Power means sustainability. In this case, this battery’s power can give your drone longer airtime.

The battery’s voltage needs to match the motor; otherwise, problems will occur, such as blown motors or burned-out batteries.

The flight controller is the brain of the UAV (not to be confused with the electronic speed control).

This part includes microprocessors, sensors, and output and input pins.

The flight controller makes operating and navigating your UAV through the air possible.

Putting the Drone Together

This is the fun part of the project. You know everything and what it does; now it is time to combine it.

Assemble the frame so the motors will sit at the end of each arm. Ensure that your electronics fit snugly in the center so that nothing will cause the UAV to vibrate or shift when you get it off the ground, or worse, get tangled up because it was not secured properly.

Connect your USC to each motor and add your propellers securely. Please make sure they are snug on the motor shafts.

Remember to stand back a few feet. A safe distance would probably be four or more feet away.

Remember to try one direction at a time until you are comfortable with how much control you have over your drone.

There is no learning curve here; take your time. You built this drone, so there is no hurry to crash it and make repairs right away.

Make it hop and fly small distances. In no time, you will have it in the air and enjoy a flight!

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