The Ultimate Checklist for Home Security During Spring Time

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After a long, cold winter spent indoors, springtime brings warm weather and sunshine. It’s also the perfect time to get outdoors and clean your yard, do some gardening, and fix anything outside that needs doing.

So don’t forget to check your home security system to make sure it’s working as it should. This should be at the top of your chore list. Spring is typically known as one of the peak times for break-ins and robberies.

Don’t let yourself become a statistic. Protect your home, your valuables and your family by making sure your system is secure and working properly.

Here are some tips for doing just that.

Tip #1: Test Your Entire System

This should be one of the first things you do this spring. Check your manual for instructions on how to test your home security system.

Typically, it can be done right from your control panel. Be sure to follow all of the instructions? if you have a monitoring system, you don’t want to set off any false alarms.

If the testing is successful, you’re good to go; if not, you may have to contact the company for further direction. Don’t skip this step, as it’s vitally important to make sure everything is working as it should.

Tip #2: Trim Your Bushes

This is a regular springtime activity, but trimming your bushes gives burglars less hiding space and it’s important for home security purposes.

If you want to put in security bushes, plant thorny ones around your windows; this gives burglars less incentive to enter your home through the windows. Rose bushes are perfect for this purpose.

Tip #3: Check Your Windows

During the cold winter months, your window frames and locks may have become compromised. The frames could become warped, making it easier for burglars to bypass the locks.

Check all of your windows to make sure they can still be locked securely, and that there are no gaps in between the frame and the window. Your home security system won’t do much good if all of your windows can be opened easily.

Tip #4: Check Your Garage

This is one of the more common ways that burglars can enter your home, and the garage should be checked regularly to make sure it’s secure. Make sure that the door can’t be pried open from the bottom, and that it is still secure.

If you have a door that gains entry into your home, be sure it has a deadbolt lock. Your home security setup should include your garage into the overall alarm system.

Tip: #5: Test Your Outside Lights

Make sure that your lights haven’t been damaged or shattered over the winter months. Test your outdoor and security lights to make sure they all work. Replace any that are damaged or old.

If they are motion sensor lights, test them to make sure they come on when they are supposed to. Your home security system is comprised of several components; don’t forget that lights are one of the most important components.

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