Signs That Your Electrical Panel Needs Repairs

Electrical Panel

The electric panel plays an integral role in the electrical system of your home.

As several of our daily needs are bound to the utilization of electrical appliances, a consistent supply of electric current is vital for smooth activities.

At the same time, you must be protected against short-circuiting and associated safety hazards; thus it is smart to pay attention to the current condition of your electrical panel.

Any issues with your electrical panel must be dealt with due diligence as the safety of your entire house depends on it.

The best approach is to stay in touch with a certified electrician to get timely electrical panel upgrades.

What Is An Electrical Panel?

In most houses, an electrical panel or more commonly known as a breaker panel is a metal box with a door usually built into the wall.

It is generally located at an out-of-way corner of your home and houses all the breaker switches of your home.

The switches can be toggled on and off according to your requirements, but their primary purpose is to switch off automatically.

That happens when too much electric current is passing through them. That is what they are designed for!

As circuit breakers prevent current overflow, they are also protecting your electrical system from overheating and being permanently damaged.

When you open the door of a metal box, you will find the main switch that regulates the power to the entire house. Other smaller switches control specific areas of your home.

As a homeowner, you must know signs that your electrical panel needs repairs. Here is a list of the signs you need to keep an eye out for.

1.  Circuit Breaker Trips Frequently

Now you know that an electrical panel is designed to protect your house from electric fires. If the electrical panel in your home trips frequently, it is an indication of a serious problem. The first thing you must do is to get your electrical system checked.

If nothing is wrong with the wiring and appliances in your home, a faulty circuit breaker is the culprit. Hire a reliable electrician to repair or replace it.

2.  Flickering Lights In Your Home

Flickering lights in your home are always a bad sign. They are caused by inconsistency in the current flow and frequent power outages.

Depending on how this is happening in the electrical system of your home, you may need to repair or replace the electrical panel.

When a lot of lights in your home are dimming or start to flicker once in a while, replacing wiring will not solve the issue. Hire a professional electrician to replace the circuit breaker.

3.  The Panel Is Hot To Touch

The electric panel should never be hot to touch. As they are mostly installed in sheltered and protected areas, there is little chance of them being overheated due to sun rays. When the panel is hot, something is going wrong in the electrical system.

Overheating can instantly lead to electric fires thus you should never delay repairs or replacements once you notice it.

4.  Outdated Panel Design

An outdated panel design puts an unnecessary burden on the electrical system of your home and you may be facing several issues.

If the electrical still operates on fuses, it’s time to upgrade it. That’s because the latest alternatives are far safer and more efficient. In general circuit breakers need to be replaced after every 25-30 years.

If yours is older than 25 years, you are most likely living with an outdated panel.

Moreover, if your house is insured but with an outdated circuit breaker, the insurance companies reserve the right to penalize you in case of electric fires. Call a certified electrician to handle the replacement.

5.  Burning Smell Near Your Electrical Panel

Overheating of an electrical panel is not that easy to identify. Out of sight, out of mind holds for the electrical panels but it can cost you the safety of your house.

Thus, pay attention to any kind of burning smells in your home. If the smell is originating from the electrical panel, it’s a sign of serious underlying issues.

Get the panel replaced by the best electrician services as soon as possible. 

6.  Wrong Amp Wires

Most of the electrical panel issues occur because of the wrong amp wiring. A simple way to guard you and your property from severe consequences is to take a look at your electrical panel.

You can find the number of amps going through your wiring by looking at the top of the panel. If the number is 60 or anywhere less than 200, the amp number is inefficient for most modern appliances.

You must have 200 amps wiring for modern appliances and electrical systems to work properly.

7.  Rusty Electrical Panel

Moisture and current do not mix up well. But you cannot always win against it! Observe your electrical panel for any signs of rusting.

If you notice brown rusty patches all across the board, professional electrical panel replacement is due. Rust indicates that water seeped into the board or humidity level is too high.

This replacement is necessary to prevent you and your loved ones from fires.

8.  Melted Wires And Discolored Outlets

Any melted wire in your electrical system is a warning sign. The meltdown indicates that the system was overheated and if the circuit breaker did not trip to prevent it, your house is at risk.

Electrical panel replacement is the best fix for such issues. In many cases, homeowners identify a malfunctioning circuit breaker because of melted wires.

High temperatures around the outlets can quickly cause discoloration. And high temperatures indicate that there is more current flowing through them than it should be.

All of these warning signs call for an immediate electrical panel replacement.

Author Bio:

Richard White is a goal-oriented writer with years of successful experience writing for multiple brands and startups. My writing style is unique and niche i write about is Solar Panel, electrical panel upgrade, roofing, exterior ideas etc.

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