A home security system is not just for the rich and famous. In fact, every household should have some type of alarm in place, because you never know when burglars are going to target your home.
The best way to protect yourself and your family is to ensure that robbers are deterred before they even enter your home. After all, your home is your castle, and if you can’t feel safe there, you can’t feel safe anywhere.
Here is a step-by-step guide to choosing the right security system for you.
Step #1: Consider Your Budget
Home security systems vary widely in price, depending on what options you choose and how large your home is. Before you even decide on a system, know how much you’re willing and able to spend.
Do you want something that has a one-time fee, or are you able to pay a monthly fee for continuous monitoring? When you consider your budget, think about the crime rate in your area.
If it’s considered high, then you may need to increase how much you spend on a quality system.
Step #2: Do you Need 24-Hour Monitoring?
Many home security systems these days come with 24-hour monitoring service. This simply means that if your home is robbed, or there is a fire or other emergency, the company will directly contact the proper authorities.
You don’t have to be home, and you don’t have to call anyone yourself. While this is usually considered a preferred method, it does come with a price. There is a monthly fee that you will have to pay.
The fee will vary depending on the company you choose. This feature gives many homeowners peace of mind knowing their home is protected, even when they’re away.
Step #3: Count Your Windows/Doors
Count the number of windows and doors that you want monitored or set up for your home security system.
If you have a one-storey home, then you want to include all of the windows and doors on that level. If you have a two-storey home, the windows upstairs are not usually included, although this is up to your personal preference.
If you have an aboveground basement, you definitely want to include those as well.
Step #4: Don’t Forget to Protect the Outside of Your Home
Motion-sensor lights should be included in your overall home security system. Often, the company will provide you with stickers that say, This home is protected by XXX company. Sometimes, the signs alone are enough to deter a burglar.
The goal is to secure the outside so they won’t even attempt to break-in.
Step #5: Compare Online
As with most things these days, the best way to get the best price on a home security system is to shop online. Do some research to find out what types of systems are available and compare companies and prices.
Don’t be afraid to call several of them and ask detailed questions. Many of them will come and give you a free quote.