How Many Different Classes Of Mopeds Are There? 

How Many Different Classes Of Mopeds Are There
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay

Nowadays, it seems like everyone wants to get around to something that doesn’t pollute the air or make noise while doing so. This is why mopeds have become such popular modes of transportation worldwide. But what exactly is a moped? How many different classes of mopeds are there? And which type might be best suited to your needs? 

We’ve put together this comprehensive guide to help you learn all there is to know about mopeds. In addition, make sure you end up with one that’s perfect for you! When you’re shopping around for your next moped, you may have noticed that there are so many different types on the market. 

However, it’s easy to assume that all mopeds are the same. But once you learn about all of their different features, you’ll realize just how many types of mopeds actually exist! As it turns out, dozens of different mopeds are on the market today.

This article will go over some of the more prominent examples in hopes that you can pick out your ideal model easier than ever! Now, how many different classes of mopeds are there? Let’s find out!

What Are the Different Classes of Mopeds?

While finding out how many different mopeds classes are in the market today, let’s begin with the classifications. For starters, mopeds can be classified into many different types – and each type has a few different subcategories. Scooters, for instance, are often grouped into 50cc scooters with a two-stroke engine or 150cc scooters with a four-stroke engine. Both require you to make it to certain gas stations for refueling. 

Other types of moped include mini mopeds (50cc with the same 2-stroke or 4-stroke engines as the larger versions). Also, leisure bikes (starting at around 50cc and going up in size from there) or ebike which stands for the electric bike.

1. Jonway MC_50CRP Moped

The Jonway MC-50 CRP is a Honda CB 50 compatible moped kit with four speeds. Its small size makes it perfect for crowded streets or as an in-town commuter vehicle. The kit contains steel and aluminum parts, making it easy to assemble and maintain the bike. 

One reason for this is that aluminum does not rust easily, even if scratched with a file or sandpaper during assembly. The bike doesn’t need to be repainted often, if at all. The engine has a belt-driven cooling fan instead of a clutch fan. This is because belts are more resilient than chains. 

Coupled with these, there is no oil drain, so the engine stays cleaner between rides. They do this by collecting less oil in the base pan or on internal gears when stopped with fuel left in the tank. We are just getting started with this article on how many different classes of mopeds are there in the market.

2. 250cc Trike Chopper Road Warrior Moped

How many different classes of mopeds are there? There are many different types of mopeds to choose from! Some common types include tricycles, choppers, road warrior mopeds, and chopper mopeds. The type of vehicle you want will largely depend on your intended use for it. 

Furthermore, the most common type when used for recreation is the 250cc trike chopper road warrior moped. Why? Because this specific vehicle is powerful yet lightweight and extremely versatile as well. 

Proceeding, chopper mopeds come with racing stripes and a rear-end extension, so they have more power with less weight. Whereas a trike just has a push bar in place that may be attached to one or two seats. However, this depends on your preference and the size of passengers you are carrying with you when you travel.

3. 50cc Gas Moped

Mopeds are a class of motor vehicles with an engine capacity of less than 50cc, restricted to roads with a speed limit of 30mph or less. They have pedals and need not be registered as a car.  Standard features on this moped type include electric starting, electric lights, and turn signals for the front and rear directions (located near the back). 

Not only that, but they also have metal fenders over tires and chain drive transmission. Plus, they have four-stroke engines without oil pumps, either air-cooled or water-cooled engines in either one-cylinder or two cylinders configuration. 

These are also called scooters, but they don’t exceed 50cc, so they cannot be classified as such by law. The headlight is often located under the fuel tank rather than on top. It was thought that having it up top would block the driver’s view when turning left at intersections. However, some newer models have placed headlights at the top, just like scooters do today. Progressing on the list of how many different classes of mopeds are there in the world today, we aren’t done yet.

4. XM-150 Gas Moped

An XM-150 is one of the smallest mopeds on the market, but it has a lot to offer with its durable frame and powerful engine. There are more than 12 different color options to choose from, so there’s no shortage of style if that matters to you. The gas moped runs on standard 87-octane unleaded fuel. 

So you don’t have to worry about finding an uncommon mixture or paying high prices for specialized types of gasoline. An XM-150 isn’t known as a heavy-duty moped (it weighs only 49 pounds). Still, it provides comfortable seating and exceptional maneuverability around tighter spaces like parks and smaller roads in rural areas. Now, you know how many different classes of mopeds there are!


One of the most common questions in the moped community is, “how many different classes of mopeds are there?”. Because the definition of what makes one moped different from another varies, it can be hard to give an exact answer. 

However, you can use this guide to help determine the general differences between various types of mopeds and see how many you can recognize. You might be surprised by how many you encounter on your own!

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