10 Easter Decoration Ideas for Your Home

Easter Decoration Ideas for Your Home
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay

Unlike Christmas that has Santa clause, Snow, Christmas tree Reindeer and all, Easter has too little of these things that spice us the holiday.

That’s what most of us believe. I’m going to share some adorable and amazing designs that would really bring that Easter feels to your home.

Easter is just a few days from now, are you ready to celebrate the pastel and floral glory that comes with this lovely season.

Do you want to throw a last-minute Easter party or is it a large gathering of friends or just some family members?

This article is just ideal for giving you elegant easter decoration ideas, and a permanent solution to your decoration problems.

Most of these designs could be done at home, or you could always order them if you don’t want to go through the pain of crafting designs for your home.

Ten ways that you could decorate your home this season has been compiled to give your home the seasonal vibe that you crave.

1. Colourful Tulip Wreath

They say the first impression matters a lot, decorating your door best describes this saying as it gives your guest a feel that says “Hey Happy Easter” and it gives that warm, welcoming feeling to a guest.

There’s no better way to make this first impression than having over 240 tulips hanging on your front door.

These lovely design would remain beautifully hanging on your door and stay pretty in pink. This Tulip Wreath would cost you around $60, and if you ask me, that’s a pretty decent amount to give your door glorious easter look.

2. Decorating your compound

Do you have a tree or a bush in your compound? Or maybe you own a garden. Then set the mood of your plants to a less gloomy look by giving it an eater look.

You can decorate your tree with Easter eggs. If you have a tree or bush close to your house, why not turn these gifts of nature into a festive holiday decoration.

You can wrap some shrubs with a garland made of Easter eggs, which you can be purchased at your local stores or that sells holiday decor. You can also hang plastic Easter eggs from the tree’s branches.

All these would make your compound look welcoming to your guests.

3. Tables

Do you have a table just by your entrance, or is it a dining table? Why not decorate them with your seasonal flowers and plants? Usually, it’s best to decorate with fresh tulips. Your rose bushes could be used for your table if they are blooming around this period.

An elegant but yet simple style of decorating your home during this Easter holiday. And if you don’t have a table, try getting one or getting extra vas of your seasonal plants in your home.

Be more creative with this by creating a centrepiece any of your favourite annual plants for your home. Use fresh tulips as they bloom around Easter.

4. Mini Outdoor Picnic

Have you ever wondered what it would feel like having people around for Easter and you prepared a mini picnic site for your then? Or your loved ones decided to come to visit for a holiday? Why not make a little picnic opportunity possible for them just within your compound.

If you’re would be having people around for Easter, give them the experience of an outdoor party in your compound. Don’t you have a backyard? No worries just head to a park with your friends.

Set up a chilling picnic, use a layer of throw planners that has an Easter friendly colour in it. Making the lawn look more festive like.

5. Chocolate-Filled Wreath

Do you know you can have a Wreath in your parlour? This wreath can be made with colourful dried flowers, (that’s if you don’t want to buy) you can DIY. This would give your home a perfect Easter look. It actually looks like a beautiful bird’s nest filled with eggs.

But even better because these eggs are actually made of chocolate. If you don’t want to go through the stress of DIY, you can purchase one at, as they are priced at $45 for each Truffle-Filled Eggs.

6. Baby’s Breath Bouquet

Having an iron bar basket that’s filled with colourful eggs in it in your home is a sight to behold. This special Basket of egg bouquet show gives the house a fitting easter look with its pastel eggs. You’ll need a wire basket which is currently priced at $15.

7. Easter cards

Hanging of cards had always been an existing custom during Christmas, it would be obscene if found during Easter, you could hang them on your refrigerator.

One could even send cards to loved ones and equally receive them during this period. Most of us throw these cards away or recycle them, without knowing that we could actually hang them to beautify our homes, acting as extra Easter effect.

8. Walk Way

Do you have a walkway? Why not make your sidewalk a bit more fun to the eye by decorating it with bunny tracks. This could easily be done with chalk.

You can do this for your walkway leading to your entrance and have some fun while at it. You can be more creative by drawing more objects on the walkway if there is a sidewalk around try drawing pastel-coloured rabbit tracks up your path.

9. Ribbons With a Message

You know ribbons can be like really super duper decorations, it could be fair to say ribbons are a must when it comes to decorations, then try to tie your napkins with customised ribbons that say “Happy Easter” or something similar.

You would love the subtle touch of a sophisticated marble egg. Ribbon by Design Happy Easter Ribbon can cost around $8.

10. Chocolate Bunnies and Bunny Designs

Another way to make your home look great is by making chocolate bunnies, in a way, it maximises your chocolate bunnies using them as decorations days or weeks before Easter. One could do this by placing these several wrapped bunnies in a basket.

This basket can be placed at places that are catchy. It could be placed in the kitchen counter or the entryway table, even your side table in your living room.

You could also put your Easter Bunny in eye-catching places. While at that you can place a plastic Easter bunny on your chair, in your kitchen corner, your front porch even the back of the toilet. You can still use unwrapped chocolate bunnies and arrange them on your cake stand.

For safety purposes, please do not decorate with chocolate bunnies if you have small children or pets at home. So, folks that’s all I can do, for now, I hope this content was helpful to you in decorating your homes

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