It’s been 8 months since we last had an update to our favorite WhatsApp mods apps. This is partly because the developers have been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic that has been ravaging the world.
Now that they have finally found a balance, the developer has mad it back in time to help us keep our favorite GB, OG and WhatsApp Plus apps going.
I know some of you must have received notifications that your GB WhatsApp, OG WhatsApp or WhatsApp Plus apps will expire soon or has already expired.
Well, here is the latest mod, GB WhatsApp, OG WhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus 9.00 Beta built from WhatsApp Base 2.20.199, (September 2020 Version)
So, if your modded WhatsApp version has expired or about to, you can go ahead and install this new Beta version.
NOTE: BETA version means it is not stable yet so some features may not work as intended. The developer has promised to release a stable version very soon.
Note : This Is Beta Version And May Have Bugs So If 8.75 Still Working With You, Don’t Update Until He Publish The Stable Version After A few Days
- Download WhatsApp Plus Pro Beta 9.0
- Download GB WhatsApp Pro Beta 9.0
- Download OG WhatsApp Pro Beta 9.0