No matter what size business you’re running, keeping your network organized is pivotal to the success of your company. Keeping track of each device on your network can be difficult and time-consuming, especially as your business grows.
For many large corporations, monitoring every computer and phone of the company services can be impossible. Having dedicated software that enacts this monitoring process for you will save you both time and money.
Many companies use a network inventory software that collects and compiles activity and information from every device on a specific network.
Having this access to your network and the information it provides allows you to organize your company, keep track of employee activity, and rest assured that your network is secure.
Finding the best network inventory software for your company is pivotal to your business’s success.
Network Inventory Software
Before you can start the hunt for a dedicated network inventory software, you’ll need to understand what exactly it is and what it allows you to do. For starters, a company network is a collection of every device that is active on a company server.
This includes computers, cell phones, pagers, etc. If it is owned by the company and is featured on its server, it’s a device on the network.
A network inventory software is a program that collects data from every device on a network and compiles it into a neat and organized spreadsheet.
This then allows you to monitor the activity of your employees as well as prevent any internal security breaches that might arise.
Having access to this organization of this information will save you and your company time and money as you no longer have to worry about keeping track of your network manually.
Some of the Best Programs Available
Here are three of the best network inventory software programs available today.
This program is free to use up to a certain extent – once you’ve hit 100 devices on a network you’ll need to pay for the license. However, the features that you receive from this software are extensive and worth a price tag.
Versatile, unlimited, and easy to use; Lansweeper is a great program to start off with as your business begins to grow. They support startups and will continue to provide you great inventory organization once you’ve reached a larger status.
Total Network Inventory 4
This program is the standard of the industry – they provide incredible service for an affordable price even as they continue to update and evolve their program.
This company comes with experience and TNI 4 is a combination of all that experience. It works on almost any operating system and provides you quality organization and monitoring of your entire network.
It has a steeper price tag than some competitors, but the program is well worth the cost.
The most expensive option on this list, Open-AudIT comes with a library of incredible features that make it great for any large company.
This program might be expensive, but you’ll want a software you can trust once you’ve hit your 100-device network goal and Open-AudIT is dependable.
A strong and lasting program that will keep your network organized and your business booming.