Improving Your Business With Video Marketing

Video Marketing

The internet has revolutionized the way people look at things and take in information. Today, more people prefer to watch videos online than on television.

And when it comes to communication, video are the best way to convey information with the advantages of convenience and short time span. It is a boon to the internet indeed.

Videos have been the choice of swarms of people simply because they have an impact not only of that seen by print but also affect their audience emotionally and visually. They are just perfect for the purpose of marketing.

Although this technique is not new in marketing, it has seen tremendous growth of late as businesses are harnessing the power of the internet and making it a tool. The reasons why video marketing is flourishing are many.

Some of them are;

Larger audience coverage

If your aim is to capture a wider audience, then you cannot miss out on the potential of video marketing. The number of internet users is increasing by the day and online sharing makes things so much easier and convenient.

You do not have to put in much of an investment and can reach out to the global audience on a larger scale.

  • The number of online video viewers today exceeds 100 million
  • The year 2009 saw the number of video views double to 33.2 billion
  • 80% of those who watched videos online can recall advertisements, with a whopping 22% following up to the website and 12% of those purchasing the product advertised.
  • A large 45% of the users of the web accepted viewing at least one video each month, with the average amounting to 32.2 videos in the marketing field viewed per month.
  • 3 out of 4 executives watch videos related to business and work, a minimum of one each week, with every two out of three following up to the site.
  • With online sharing, over 66% of video viewers share links with friends, thereby increasing traffic.

Improve the involvement of customers

With the visual impact of videos ad the large amount of information conveyed, customers are engaged at an entirely different level.

  • Videos make customers stay on to sites for at least 2 minutes more.
  • All the high office holding executives, 60% of them, would choose a video over text
  • Animated content improves the involvement of customers much more than static content can and increases the rate of responses by a 700%
  • A 1-minute long video is as good as 1.8 million words worth of text, as concluded by studies.

Increase your sales and leads online

When one shops online, their main concern is not being able to feel the object physically. With video marketing, this is solved to quite an extent by providing more information and demonstrations of the working and looks of the products.

You can gain the trust and confidence of customers better on this way, which will result in better sales and leads.

  • After watching videos. The chances of product purchase online is increased by 64%.
  • In a study, companies have seen 4 times more inquiries into the listings when they used videos for marketing.
  • Campaigning with videos online can tremendously increase online traffic by 750%.

Improve your sales Off Line

Not only online retailers but even offline ones benefit from video marketing. Customers are relying on online videos before selecting to purchase products both online and offline.

  • With online videos, Reckitt Benckiser, a goods firm, saw 6% increase in their store sales.
  • Store visits have been seen to increase by a shocking 30%.
  • 90% customers found online videos beneficial while purchasing products.

Improve your e-mail marketing campaigns

Email marketing is known for poor conversion and return rates. Videos can give them a new lease of life. Just adding a video to your email will make people want to view and read it.

  • Website clicks nearly double with videos being incorporated into emails
  • By simply adding videos to their email marketing, marketing companies have seen conversion rates in leads shoot up by 51%
  • By adding a video to an introductory, you can ensure that 75% fewer people opt-out of it.
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