6 Common Home Decoration Mistake

Common Home Decoration Mistake
Photo by Vinicius “amnx” Amano on Unsplash

Once you make up your mind to remodel or decorate your home you have to be prepared for any issues and expenses that would come up unexpectedly.

Never assume that everything will go smoothly and always be prepared to use more money than you had anticipated.

Decorating a home can be quite challenging and demanding for a person who is inexperienced. Before you start your home decoration projects, there are lots of elements and factors that you must take into consideration.

What this means is that there is plenty of room for mistakes but there are some mistakes that can easily be prevented.

Remember there are some mistakes that you cannot avoid as well but we are here to help you as much as we can.

As you read further, you would learn the things that you need to pay special attention to those that must be avoided completely.

1. Not making a clear list of priorities

The key to any successful projects including a home decoration project is prioritising. Before you begin anything, it is essential that you make a detailed and clear list of everything that you hope to do.

By writing a list of the things you want to do, I do not mean writing down “decorate bedroom” or “decorate kitchen” literally! what I mean is that you have to explain what exactly you hope to achieve and what things needs to be changed or replaced.

Take a look at the walls the counter they are dated appliances the tiles and every other thing. if drawing is one of your superpowers then you can even take things a step further by illustrating what you have in your head.

You will come to learn that by prioritising the things you want to do the chances of making some of the common decoration mistakes will be reduced to the barest minimum.

2. Not using colour

If what you want is to get a modern minimalistic look then you can achieve that without making your room look sterile.

You want your room to look more like a home and less like a hospital, so you need to add a splash of colour and see how much change that would make.

If the walls of your home or your furniture are all in white or grey turn, then the best way to add some wonderful colours is to use colourful curtains or get nice plans to decorate specific parts of your house.

You can also get some nice looking rugs to decorate your floors.

3. Not finding the style of your home

When it comes to styling a room or an entire home, a lot of people have no clue whatsoever. This explains why it is easy for you to find rooms looking very chaotic because of the mixture of several styles.

I understand that it might be difficult to maintain the cohesiveness if you are one of those who does not understand what goes with what and what doesn’t go with what.

Instead of making your house look like a freak show the best thing you can do is to contact a professional who will come in an easily help to make the perfect combinations and arrangements in no time.

It is also possible for you to explain what you want and have the professionals decorate your house according to the style you have described the only difference would be that they would make it look a lot more arranged and beautiful and even give you tips that you probably never thought about.

It really doesn’t cost much to get someone to give their opinion or help arrange your home.

4. Uncomfortable furniture

You may think that it really doesn’t matter if you have an uncomfortable piece of furniture lying around your house as long as it still looks pretty good and amazing.

I need you to understand that regardless of how beautiful furniture is if it is uncomfortable you shouldn’t have it in your house because most of the time you end up regretting making that purchase or keeping that furniture when accidents happen.

When you’re getting furniture in your home yes it is important to have aesthetic in mind but before you consider aesthetics convenience should be your priority.

5. The scale is off

When it comes to arranging your living space something you need to consider greatly is the size. We have different furnitures and gadgets that come in all shapes and sizes.

Now if you have items of different sizes that do not match in your living space, have it in mind that that area would look completely off.

Imagine having a small room with Giants furniture in it or having a very big living space with tiny pieces of furniture is in it. There is no way your visitors would have any reason to want a copy your sense of Arrangement or style.

A lot of people do not know when they make this mistake so now that we have pointed it out here it is one that you should avoid because it is very avoidable.

Proportionality is very vital if you want your living space to look good the bigger your room is the larger the kind of furniture it can handle.

Some people love to have plenty of furniture in their living space but as much as you would want to do that make sure that you do not make your living space very tight and ugly.

Too many furniture in your living space would only make it look smaller and busier than it actually is not to mention that it would become uncomfortable and hot.

6. Forgetting the light

If your apartment or your home has huge windows which allows you to get lots of natural light, then you’re very lucky.

However not every living space will have access to sew much natural light and if you find yourself in such a situation what you would need to do is invest a little more in mirrors and lamps

Lamps will light up your living space while the mirrors will help to reflect the light and make your room look more luminous.

So now that you are ready to redecorate your home, we hope that you find the tips we have shared here useful, and you apply them. Please do not hesitate to leave other tips or suggestions and opinions in the comments section provided below.

We would also appreciate it if you share this article on social media so that others can learn from it. We look forward to hearing from you.

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